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Welcome to IOS Sailing Club

 Isle of Sheppey Sailing Club is a small friendly club situated on the north Kent coast, which aims to promote and facilitate amateur dinghy and catamaran sailing. The club offers excellent sailing waters with launching at all states of the tide. Just 40 miles from London, with excellent road and rail links. IOS Sailing Club is one of the oldest sailing clubs in the UK. The purpose built clubhouse has disabled accessible and child friendly changing rooms and is only 30 minutes from the M25. Club racing takes place on Sundays from April to October and on alternate Sundays from November to March. IOSSC is a cashless venue, debit and credit cards accepted. Come and see us at 

IOS Sailing Club, Marine Parade, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 2BE email iosscenquiries@outlook.com   

IOS Round the Island Race takes place every year at the beginning of September, the longest dinghy and catamaran race in the country, draws competitors from all over UK. Part of the Allen series, IOS Race 2025 is on Sunday 7th September with an Early Birds, round the cans day on Saturday 6th September. Come for the weekend, welcome on Friday evening, social on Saturday evening, sailing all weekend.

Our Website Isle of Sheppey Sailing Club

Find us on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/321126398050766


Members agree to do at least 3 duties per membership a year except, Junior, Swimmer, Social and those with a medical exemption. Full Adult, Senior, Family, Student and Honoury members have a vote at our Annual General Meeting, one vote per membership. All members may have a discount on hall hire and bar purchases.

Boat parking [not available for Social members] at Sheerness is for regularly used boats, parking is available for unused boats, powerboats and large catamarans at Minster.

Junior members may sail with our Dinghy Instructors on Saturday afternoons during June and July and take part in assessment for RYA certificates. Once Juniors have achieved a suitable level of competence they may sail a club training boat on a Sunday. Courses may be offered to Adults and Juniors.

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