Existing members Renew your subscriptions here.
Current members: please "Add to basket" one of the options below:
a) an auto renewing £20 sub with payment by direct debit or standing order
b) a non auto renewing £25 sub with payment by bank transfer, card or cheque
Then click on "Checkout" in the top right corner.
Note for option a) direct debit payment is simpler and better for us, all you need is your bank account number and sort code for the direct debit , GoCardless does the rest.
New Members:
Please first contact the membership Secretary to confirm we can meet your needs. If you are happy we can meet your needs apply via new members link below and select the required subscription. You will not be charged until your application has been approved. We would prefer new members to select the direct debit Membership subscription below and proceed to checkout. You will be asked to provide your bank account and sort code (Note we do not see these details they go to direct debit company -GoCardless-). During the sign-up process you will need to provide some personal details for your membership. We will then contact you to confirm your needs and membership.
Membership is provisional for the first year and you are asked to participate in 30 hours tutored work at Jasso prior to independent use of the workshop (provisional membership).
Annual Membership: not auto renewing annually
Annual End Date: 6th AprilThis subscription must be renewed by the member due on 6th April annually . A reminder will be sent.
"PayPal" option at check out allows payment by any card
Annual membership:direct debit or standing order, auto renewing
Annual End Date: 7th AprilThis subscription will renew automatically.
You will need to pay via Direct Debit (our preferred payment method) or Standing Order.
Direct debit is set up in WebCollect with your bank account number and sort-code.
You will need to set up a Standing Order directly with your bank.
You will get an annual warning and then confirmation. We'll let you know if there was a collection problem.
Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)
Full year price: £20 | 8/4 ⇒ 31/10 | 1/11 ⇒ 6/2 | 7/2 ⇒ 7/4 |
Standard subscription | £20 | £10 | £20 * |
Family/Group Membership
Annual End Date: 6th AprilYou will be asked to fill in any incomplete part of your membership form once and to complete a Health and Safety acknowledgement annually
Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)
Full year price: £30 | 7/4 ⇒ 31/10 | 1/11 ⇒ 5/2 | 6/2 ⇒ 6/4 |
Annual subscription | £30 | £15 | £30 * |