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Welcome to JASSO

The Jewellery and Silver Society of Oxford (JASSO) was formed in 1973 and is now a well-established charitable cooperative community. Currently there are about 150 members.  Some JASSO members are professional silversmiths, others are hobbyists.  The society has a full programme of ongoing and short courses, as well as untutored workshops, open to members. We are based in a recently enlarged converted barn at Peach Croft Farm on the outskirts of Abingdon. The atmosphere at JASSO is informal, supportive and friendly. For more information visit our website




Membership is open to everyone over 18.  Family membership (2 members) is available. 

JOIN JASSO : if you are interested in joining contact Judith on jassomembers@gmail.com

or scroll down and apply via Join Here .



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