Home > Training > RYA 2-day Dinghy Courses > L1/L2 Dinghy Training Course - 24/25 May 2025
L1/L2 Dinghy Training Course - 24/25 May 2025
This Course will last 2 days (approx. 16 hours in total) and be taught by RYA-accredited Dinghy Instructors under the supervision of a Senior Instructor.
Trainees will be taught in small, flexible groups and be trained and assessed against the RYA Level 1 syllabus - with the aim of each qualifying for the RYA’s Level 1 Dinghy Sailing Certificate.
Trainees whose aptitude and ability show sufficient progress will be taken on into the RYA Level 2 syllabus with the aim of qualifying for the RYA’s Level 2 Dinghy Sailing Certificate.
Youngsters will receive the equivalent RYA Stage 1 and/or Stage 2 Certificates.
Specialised equipment (wet suits, flotation jackets, helmets) will be available for loan at no cost - although trainees who have their own items of personal kit are welcome to use those, if they are deemed adequate by the Instructor.
Wet loan items will be hung to dry within the clubhouse overnight - any items of your own may be similarly left, or taken home to dry.
Our facilities include
· A modern and spacious clubhouse, with comfortable changing rooms (hot showers!), a fully-equipped galley (kitchen), and appropriate facilities for less-abled members (including lifts for access to the clubhouse and boats)
· A training fleet of Picos, Teras, Toppers, Optimists and Xenons - suitable for all ages / sizes
· Large outdoor seating area overlooking the water (great for lunch on good weather days)
· Free wifi / internet access
Food and beverages
The Courses do not include provision of food, although some light snacks will be available for purchase in the clubhouse. Hot drinks will be provided free of charge. Most participants (and club members) just bring their own packed lunches / picnics. Microwave facilities are available in the galley.
Course Fees
The fees for the Course are set at £150 for adults and £100 for under 18s - however, a grant application is pending for funds to enable us to provide a 50% discount on these fees for participants who live within 15km of the club, or anywhere in Denbighshire. Until we learn of the success of this application, the full fee should be paid - we will refund the discounted element if the funding is approved.
Club Membership
It is Club policy that you must be a member to attend a Course, but we include free membership for the first 3 months following your Course, after which an annual membership fee (reduced to reflect the free 3 months and the late stage of the sailing year) would become due. Naturally, family groups would qualify for a reduced Family Membership fee under the same rules.