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Solo, Streaker and Enterprise Open 15th September 2018   iCal entry for this event

This event will take place at Leigh and Lowton Sailing Club Sandy Lane off Green Lane WA3 1BJ

Please pre-enter here.

If you wish to arrive on Friday to drop off your boat, or camp/use a motorhome, please get in contact with me.


Entry fees:

Online entry here is at a reduced rate compared to payment on the day, and is available until 13th September.

See below and the Notice of Race in the downloads section tothe right for more details.



Registration: from 10.00.

Briefing: 10:45
Warning Signal for the first fleet for race 1: 11:27 race 2 & 3 to follow after lunch



Sailing Instructions

Copies of Sailing Instructions will be displayed at registration and available online.



Each participating boat will be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of at least £3,000,000.



If cancellation is required due to weather or any other unforeseen event, then this will be notified via the llsc.org.uk website prior to the event.


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Sorry this event is in the past.

Date Availability Bookings Price Book
15-09-2018 closed show