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Day Skipper Theory   iCal entry for this event

Day Skipper Theory Course

Duration: 40 hours plus exam time over 5 days, 9:15 start time

Pre course knowledge: None required but some practical experience is helpful

Max group size: 8

Minimum age: none


  • Seamanship
  • Coastal navigation and pilotage
  • Chartwork
  • Electronic charts
  • Position fixing, plotting a course to steer
  • Weather forecasting and meteorology, tides
  • Collision regulations
  • Seamanship
  • Construction, parts and equipment of a cruising boat
  • Emergency and safety procedures including distress calls, use of flares, safety harnesses, lifejackets and life rafts

The RYA Day Skipper Theory course will provide you with a comprehensive introduction to the above subjects before progressing onto a practical course such as Competent Crew or Day Skipper. The course will equip you with enough knowledge to navigate around familiar waters by day. A basic knowledge of lights is also included to introduce you to night cruising.

What we provide

  • Charts
  • RYA Shorebased notes (digital e-book)
  • RYA Exercise and course (digital e-book)
  • Exam papers (1. general assessment. 2. chartwork).
  • Teas & coffee

What you need to provide

  • Computer / iPad / android tablet - to view digital books and resources (phones work but really not ideal)
  • Notepad/paper
  • Pens / pencils
  • Plotter & dividers (can be purchased below)
  • Lunch


  • You do not need to be a member of the Club to take part in a training course
  • Minimum number of students may apply for the course to run

Location: Draycote Water Sailing Club

Contact: Dave Rowe

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