Home > Training > Emergency First Aid at Work 2025
Emergency First Aid at Work 2025
This one day course is perfect for those who wish to become an Instructor or are re validating; on Sunday 23rd March 2025. Meet near the HFTC (mobile classroom) at 9.30am, finish time approx 4.30pm
If you are considering doing any Instructor or Power Boat Courses, this first aid course fulfils the requirements for these courses.
The course covers emergency first aid at work but also includes drowning, cold water shock, hypothermia, seasickness, Weill's disease and blue green algae.
The certificate is valid for 3 years and meets the minimum requirements as detailed in the https://www.rya.org.uk/training/courses/first-aid-course-fac
Min age:14. No previous experience necessary.
The course is delivered by Heather Evans on behalf of BY Training. You will provided with a brochure covering everything in an easy format. On passing the course you will be issued with a certificate which is valid for 3 years and is suitable for RYA practical instructors (SI’s, DI’s and AI’s excluding Advanced Powerboat, Cruising and Yachtmaster Instructors)