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Welcome to National Scorpion Class Association

2024 Silver Scorpion events

Silver Scorpion Travellers series NOR 2024 season.


 1.  The 2024 Silver Scorpion Travellers series is made up of events coordinated by the Scorpion class association during the 2024 sailing season.
2.   Sponsorship and event prizes – The Silver Scorpion Travellers Series 2024 is Sponsored by Craftinsure. Individual Clubs may also provide prizes for their open meeting event.
3.   Events - There are 10 events included in the Silver Scorpion Travellers series for the 2024 season.
                               March event tbc

                          2/3 March   Chew Valley SC                          

                          6/7 April      Staunton Harold
                          4/5 May      Notts County
                          1/2 June     Lymington Town SC
                          15/16 June Sidmouth SC
                          13/14 July   Starcross YC
                          14/15 Sept  Grafham Water SC
                          19/20 Oct    Isle Of Sheppey SC
                          2/3 Nov       Pennine SC
4.   Qualification - Your best four results from all events.
5.   Entry to events – You must pre-enter all Silver Scorpion events via the scorpion class association website and pay via Webcollect prior to the event. If you do not do this you are not guaranteed an entry on the day of the event.
Link to Webcollect event entries: National Scorpion Events (sailscorpion.co.uk)
6.   NOR and SI for events – These will be available on the event website page when they become available. Please also view the sailing clubs individual websites for further information.
7.   Class Association Membership - All competitors must be a full or associate member of the Scorpion class association for the National Championships. You can join the Scorpion Class Association here: National Scorpion Class Association: Subscriptions (webcollect.org.uk)
8.   Prizes for the series - The Series prize giving will take place after sailing at the End of Seasons event at Pennine SC 2/3 November 2024.
9.   Prizes will be awarded for the following categories:1st Helm Overall (Silver Scorpion Trophy)
                                                                                       2nd Helm Overall 
                                                                                       3rd Helm Overall
                                                                                       1st Crew Overall
                                                                                       2nd Crew Overall
                                                                                       3rd Crew Overall
                                                                                       1st Silver fleet Helm
                                                                                       1st Silver Fleet Crew
                                                                                       1st Bronze Fleet Helm
                                                                                       1st Bronze Fleet Crew
                                                                                       1st youth Helm or Crew (Bronze Scorpion Trophy)
10.  Committee Contacts – If you require any further information regarding events or the Silver Scorpion Travellers Series please email your events co-ordinator John Tailby

Future Silver Scorpion and National Championship events