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Welcome to Tudor Sailing Club


Tudor Sailing Club is a family orientated, friendly sailing club situated in Portsmouth, Hampshire. We cater for the needs of dinghy and cruiser (yacht) sailors, as well as small fishing boats. Our modern clubhouse is found on the western shores of Langstone Harbour, providing superb access to the harbour, the Solent and beyond.

We aim to offer a varied events program to encourage our members to enjoy the sport of sailing whatever their interests. Whether you are keen on competitive racing, or prefer a more gentle cruise, there will be something in our program that will appeal. Tudor Sailing Club provides an excellent base for sailing activities, with a slipway that extends down to low water springs, makes launching possible at all states of tide.


Interested in joining us?  See below for more information on our Prospective members' evenings, find and book an evening in our list of events here - there is no formality, no charge and no limit on numbers, it just helps us collect your contact info and get a sense of numbers.


If what you have read on our website appeals to you and you feel you would like to take part in one or more of the activities, then come along to one of our New/Prospective Members Evenings; you will meet some of the Executive
Committee amd hear more about our activities. The meetings are held monthly on a Friday at 1930hrs in the Clubhouseor on Zoom - the dates of forthcoming meetings are shown in our events list here. Please book your place prior to the meeting, as they are only held when a demand exists.

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