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Welcome to Queen Street Gardens Central District

Households applying for a key to the gardens must be located within the catchment area. This includes all properties between Fettes Row in the North; Dundonald Street, Dublin Street, and North St Andrew Street in the East; George Street in the South; and Frederick Street, Howe Street, and St Vincent Street in the West.

If you do not reside within this catchment area, your application for a key cannot be considered.

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New subscribers.  Please select the Browse Subscriptions button.

A subscription allows any member of your household to enter the Queen Street Central Gardens. It does not allow you to bring a dog into the Gardens.

Subscriptions are valid for one year.


There is a £100 deposit for keys. If you lose your key, please be aware that you will also forfeit your deposit. This reflects the cost of replacing the key and the related administration cost.

Keys for new subscribers will be posted or delivered within seven days of payment. Please note that keys will only be issued to addresses within the catchment area.

Your numbered security key remains the property of the Central Gardens. Keys must not be passed to new property owners or tenants. 

Existing subscribers should click on the green Access Account button below.

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