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Beginners Course   iCal entry for this event

Our beginners courses are a total of 12 hours of coaching.

They run either at a weekend for 4 consecutive weeks for 3 hours each session, or during the week, for 6 consecutive 2 hour sessions.


You must be able to attend the first session on all courses.  A single session after this may be possible to miss, at the discretion of the lead coach.


If you miss the first session, you will not be able to take part in the course, and will lose your payment, unless you contact us and we move you to another course 1 week before the course starts.


Booking payments are non refundable.


Select date - show past events
Description Date Start time End time Availability Places
Price Book
Wednesdays - 6 week - Led by Coach Gaynor 03-04-2024 19:00 21:00 closed 4 £70
Sundays - 4 week - Led by Coach Andrew 19-05-2024 09:00 12:00 closed full £70
Saturdays - 4 week - Led by Coach Kenny 07-09-2024 09:30 12:30 closed 1 £70
Wednesdays - 6 week - Led by Coach Gaynor 02-10-2024 19:00 21:00 closed 1 £70
Saturdays - 4 week - Led by Coach Kenny 02-11-2024 09:30 12:30 closed 3 £70
Sundays - 4 week - Led by Coach Russell 05-01-2025 09:30 12:30 closed 1 £70
Saturdays - 4 week - led by coaches Barry & Chris 01-02-2025 09:30 12:30 closed full £70
Sundays - 4 week - led by coach Andrew 02-03-2025 09:30 12:30 full £70
Saturday - 4 Week - led bu coach Kennt 06-09-2025 09:30 12:30 8 £70