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Welcome to The Royal Society of St. George

Our Royal Charter:

The objectives of The Society as laid down in its Royal Charter are:

  1. To foster the love of England and to strengthen England and the Commonwealth by spreading the knowledge of English history, traditions and ideals.
  2. To keep fresh the memory of those in all walks of life, who have served England or the Commonwealth in the past, to inspire leadership in the future.
  3. To combat all activities likely to undermine the strength of England or the Commonwealth.
  4. To further English interest everywhere to ensure that St. George's Day is properly celebrated and to provide focal points all the world over where English men and women may gather together.


Membership of the Society is open to all people who share our love of England and Englishness. 

Those joining the Society today are following in the footsteps of such great Englishmen as Lord Baden-Powell, defender of Mafeking and founder of the world-wide Scout movement, Sir Winston Churchill, soldier and statesman, whose leadership of his nation in wartime continues to provide inspiration to generations of fellow Britons and Rudyard Kipling, the great  journalist, short-story writer, poet, and novelist.

Currently the Society has active branches in many cities of England. We also have branches and affiliates throughout the Commonwealth, the English speaking world and beyond.

We are an inclusive Society and accept into our ranks - indeed we welcome - people of all nationalities, faiths and political beliefs, provided they support our aims and objects.

All members of the Royal Society are encouraged to participate in events to celebrate England's National Day, on 23rd April. It is also the birth day and death day of William Shakespeare. Festivities are organised by our branches and affiliates in towns and cities worldwide. The Society also celebrates Trafalgar Day, commemorating Admiral Lord Nelson's great victory at sea on 21st October 1805, The Battle Of Britain and other momentous events in England's History.

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