Existing members Renew your subscriptions here.
New members
Please select the appropriate subscription below and proceed to checkout. You will be asked to provide details of your qualifications, as part of your application.
Associate Membership
Annual End Date: 31st DecemberAssociate Membership is for individuals who wish to fully participate in the Association activities but who are not an active beekeepers and do not keep bees.
Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)
Full year price: £10 | 1/1 ⇒ 30/6 | 1/7 ⇒ 1/11 | 2/11 ⇒ 31/12 |
Annual subscription | £10 | £30 | £10 * |
Period: 1Make a donation to the Association and support our charitable activities and research. Select the number of donation units you wish to make.
Full Membership
Annual End Date: 31st DecemberA Full Member is a member of the association who is an active beekeeper. This level of membership includes annual insurance.
Reduced pricing in first year (renewals at full price)
Full year price: £20 | 1/1 ⇒ 30/6 | 1/7 ⇒ 1/11 | 2/11 ⇒ 31/12 |
Annual Subscription | £20 | £70 | £20 * |
Junior Membership
Annual End Date: 31st DecemberFor Under 18s. Does not include insurance.
Additional Hive Insurance
Annual End Date: 31st DecemberPlease select the amount of hives that you are likely to have during the year.