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Welcome to National Solo Class Association

The primary objectives of the Class Association are to promote racing in Solos and to stimulate single handed sailing.

The Association is represented at Boat Shows and Exhibitions, major events involving inter-class competition and is generally involved in the promotion of the Class. It is through the Association that the RYA receives recommendations for changes to the Class Rules when these are necessary.

The Class Rules are framed to ensure that in hull form, hull weight, spars and sail plan the boats are as nearly alike as possible. There is, however, considerable latitude in the manner in which the sail may be controlled and and sheeted to suit the helmsmans personal preference. The Rules also allow self-bailers, transom ports and toe straps.

Members have access to an online Yearbook, Fixture List and Newsletters. They have a say in the running of their Class and the Association represents their interests. The Association also arranges Championships and team events and liaises with overseas Solo Associations. Membership is not obligatory (except in competing in Championship events) but the extremely high proportion of Solo owners who belong to the Association is a reflection of the high regard they have for the boat.


Full membership of the Class Association costs only £25 per year, with reduced rates for Juniors. As well as supporting the Association, thereby enabling it to achieve its objectives, there are a number of benefits for the member:

  • A Class Website with interactive and lively discussion forums, a 'for sale' areas were you can advertise for free, a photo gallery, great video footage, a comprehensive events calendar, and results listings. Plus much more.....
  • Training, a number of training days are held during the year. 
  • SoloInteractive online news magazine. 
  • Discount on insurance Receive a discount when renewing your insurance with Noble Marine. Plus other discount codes published on the website or online Magazine.


Annual membership runs from January 1st through to 31st December. Joining or renewing in the period 1st November to 31st December additionally covers the following year



  • Full membership of the Association is required for competitors in Championship events, and also to qualify for placings in the area traveller series.
  • If you would like to be sent further information about the Class Association by mail please contact the Membership Secretary.

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