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Welcome to Stirling Triathlon Club


Welcome to Stirling Triathlon Club's online payment site. This website has been developed to bring all payments to our club onto one site and to remove the need for cash and cheque payments. 

On-line Transactions

Below is a list of the things that you can do from this site, depending on whether you are a club member or not. Just click on the relevant button below:


Non-Members Only

1. If you have never used this site before then you will have to create a WebCollect account first by clicking here:

Create WebCollect Account 

2. Once you've created your WebCollect account you can now become a member of the club by clicking here:

Become a New Member of the Club

Once you have completed these two tasks you are now a paid up member of the Stirling Triathlon Club. Everything else you need on this website can now be done under the "Members Only" section below.


Members Only

1. If you want to renew your membership then click on the "Subscriptions" button below;

Membership Renewal 


If you have any questions about this website then please drop an email to














