Welcome to Super-Stars
Here you will find all of the information you need for the SuperStars After School Club held at our partner school Birchgrove Primary. Please ensure that you are making the correct booking.
After signing up for an account, you will be able to see, and book on to, all of the available after school club sessions at Birchgrove Primary school.
If you have any issues with creating an account or making a booking, please contact the Club Manager on...
07572223716 or email: fran.mears@super-stars.org.uk
Please note that for new starters in reception (only), there is a settling in period into the school that is required to be completed before they can attend the after-school club. This period is the first two weeks of term 1.
Drop off and Pick Up Procedure
Drop off procedure
- School staff will safely escort all children to the Activity Hall.
- The Manager may conduct handover
- The Manager will take the children from school staff and sign them in.
- The Manager will indicate on the register who dropped the child/ren to club.
- The Manager will hand the child to their consistent group
- Children will place their coats, bags in the drop off zone and be seated ready for snacks.
Pick up Procedure
- Parents will arrive at main reception and call the setting phone. (The number is displayed on the main front door) then wait outside for their child/ren to be handed over to them by the Managers.
- The Manager will sign the child/ren out and state on register who has collected the child/ren.
- If information needs to be given to the parents, the Manager will pass on general information.
- If, however, confidentiality or discretion are required the Manager can pass information on via a phone call instead rather than in front of other parents/carers.