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Welcome to Tynemouth Canoe

Welcome to Tynemouth Canoe Club.


This booking system will allow you to join and pay your membership subscriptions, book pool sessions, book outdoor sessions and events, book weekend events and other club events.

If you need to contact the event coordinator for the event you are booked on, please go to that event and use the link from there. Please note, we are unable to process refunds and are not able to transfer bookings to other sessions. 


All other general queries can be submitted to : info@tynemouthcanoe.co.uk   


Please remember it is your responsibility to keep your contact details up to date at all times, including medical conditions (which must be disclosed to the leading coach at the start of each session) and next of kin details. All club information will be circulated via email. 


Existing membership subscriptions expire on 31st August each year. Auto-renew is enabled by default and subscriptions will be automatically collected next year if you pay via GoCardless. If you do not wish to auto-renew please deselect this in your account. 


All members must hold a valid subscription (paid a yearly membership fee) before booking events. 



Please log in to see member only events. Log In

Click here to join and buy a new subscription  TCC Subscriptions


TCC Committee reserves the right to reject membership applications without stating a reason and to terminate membership at any time due to misconduct or inappropriate behaviour of members. Existing membership subscriptions expire on 31st August each year. Auto-renew is enabled by default and subscriptions will be automatically collected next year if you pay via Go Cardless. If you do not wish to auto-renew please deselect this in your account. 


Existing Members

New Members

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