Home > Special Interest > WPS Drone SIG (Talk ’n’ Chat) at Otterbourne
WPS Drone SIG (Talk ’n’ Chat) at Otterbourne
WPS Drone SIG (Talk ’n’ Chat) now meeting monthly at Otterbourne on Monday evenings
A chance for members to hear a Speaker talk about Drones and then Chat about anything Drones afterwards!
Usual time, start 7.30pm, finish by 10pm
Format of the meeting
Firstly, a Speaker (Talk) with Q&A
Secondly, a run through of popular UAV Apps (Chat) more Q&A for the first meeting
Speaker: WPS Member Steve Bailey
For the first meeting Steve Bailey will be taking about his Drone timeline with examples and stories behind his images. Plus how he got permission to fly in NFZs (No Fly Zones - Airports and Prisons). After a break we run through a few Drone Apps.
All members of the Society are invited to attend, even if just to hear the Speaker in the first half.
Please all, do book on WebCollect, so we have an idea of numbers and size of room to use at Otterbourne
Next Meetings:
Monday 7th April
Monday 12th May
Tony Large