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Welcome to Wirral Athletic Club

We're glad you're thinking of joining us!  


  • Club membership for both adults and children costs £14/month and is payed by MONTHLY DIRECT DEBIT.
  • First claim members age 11 and over must also pay an affiliation fee to England Athletics (£19) and Northern Athletics (£2) on joining the club- total £21 (Also paid by direct debit)
  • We also have an option for family membership- Up to 2 adults and their children living at the same address £33.00/month.
  • Concessionary membership (£4/month including EA membership and Northern Athletics Affiliation fees) is available for students who are living away from home and unable to regularly access the club, and for others at the membership secretary's discretion.  Please contact the membership secretary if you wish to discuss this but remember that we are a none profit making, volunteer run organisation.  We keep membership fees as low as possible for all of our members.
  • Junior members must be first claim in all club affiliated disciplines
  • All club membership options are fully inclusive of a range of training sessions with qualified coaches and running leaders. Membership also includes free use on club nights of our 8 lane all weather track, club house and changing facilities.
  • Wirral AC is a non-profit making organisation run entirely by volunteers.  All membership fees go towards providing the best service we possibly can for our members and making our club the best it can be.


If you are under the age of 18 please ask a parent or guardian to enquire on your behalf. We apologise for any inconvenience, but we will not reply to any under 18’s due to our safeguarding policies and procedures.



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