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AK Committee (plus Coach list)   iCal entry for this event

Are you interested in what Aberkayakers does? Who is on the committee? Who are the coaches? Do you want to influence sessions and events? Read on .....

Make your voice heard: You are welcome to attend our regular Aberkayakers Committee Meetings OR message info@aberkayakers.co.uk OR talk to a member of the committee - they will relay your comments and get back to you.

Committee members:

Chairperson: Andrew Rowbottom (Ro); Secretary: Pete Wilkins; Treasurer: Claire Fletcher; Membership Team: Judith Webb, Judith Musker-Turner; Safeguarding: Moya Neale; Equipment and Shed: Bill Fisher, John Bickerton; Information Technology: Jason Brook; Communications: Callum Jones; Lead Coach Team: Jason Brook, Ro, Judith Webb, Conor Judge.

Coach Team:

Local: Andrew Rowbottom (Ro), Jason Brook*, Pete Wilkins, Moya Neale, Judith Webb, Steve Fletcher, Callum Jones*, Judith Musker-Turner, Jenny Blake*, Heledd Jones*, Conor Judge.

Living away: Joe Sharples*, Ben Worley, Heather Smith, Andy Buckley.

On British Canoeing Coaching Pathway: Bill Fisher, Keith Horrell*, Callum Doonan*, Mike Morris*, Dan Till*, Elliot Fletcher*, Joe Ironside*, Judith Thornton*, Bob Spooner*, Phil Manley*


Location: IBERS


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Date Start time End time Price Book
10-03-2025 19:00 20:30 £0