Home > Autumn Lecture 2022 16 November
Autumn Lecture 2022 16 November
“REVISING PEVSNER – A new look at the buildings of Surrey”
A lecture by Charles O’Brien
Wednesday 16 November
7.30pm for 8.00pm
At the Assembly Room, The Guildford Institute
The Pevsner Architectural Guildes were begun in 1951 by the architectural historian Sir NikolausPevsner (1902-83) with the aim of providing an up-to-date portable guide to the most significant buildings in every part of the country, suitable for both general reader and specialist. The success of the volumes covering The Buildings of England led to the extension of the series to Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Each volume provided an introductory overview of the architecture of the area, followed by a descriptive gazetteer. The first edition of the Buildings of England volume for Surrey was published in 1962, co-authored by NikolausPevsner and Ian Nairn.
A long-awaited fully revised edition of the guide for Surrey, the first since Bridget Cherry’s revision in 1971, will be published in November by Yale University Press. It revisits Surrey’s major monuments such as Waverley Abbey and Farnham Castle but also extends its scope to a wide diversity of structures of the more recent past with greater appreciation of the twentieth century, from Modernist villas to Guildford's Cathedral and Postmodern Business Parks. Greater coverage is given to its many towns, eighteenth-century landscape gardens, and the remains of its industrial heritage. The guide once more brings to the fore the county's unrivalled collection of Victorian and Edwardian architecture from the celebrated houses by Philip Webb, Norman Shaw, Lutyens, Voysey, and their multiple disciples to major institutions like Royal Holloway College and Charterhouse School.
Charles O'Brien, the series editor of theThe Pevsner Architectural Guildes, published by Yale University Press, has researched, edited and written several volumes since 1997 and will talk about the history of the series, the tasks of revision as well as some discoveries that have come to light in the course of research highlighting the expanding range of coverage of the Arts and Crafts dimension.
Tickets: ACMS Members £10
Non-Members £12
SHS Members £12
LOCATION: https://www.guildford-institute.org.uk