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Welcome to Bewl Bridge Rowing Club

This is the membership administration site for BBRC

From here you can

  • Register your interest in learning to row
  • Apply for a new membership or renew an existing membership
  • Apply for permission to store a Member's private boat at Bewl
  • Sign up for a Club event

 Return to the main BBRC website here


Learn to Row with BBRC 

Founded in 1977, BBRC is very much a 'Club for all’ with a great positive and supportive atmosphere. We currently have approximately 150 members, from age 12 upwards. We have a large Junior squad, and thriving Ladies, Men's and Masters squads, all supported by a strong team of volunteer qualified coaches, launch drivers and helpers.  New members are always welcome, whether recreational or competitive.

BBRC expects to run Learn to Row courses for potential new members during Spring and Summer each year.  No previous experience is required.  If you are interested in participating on a Learn to Row course,send a message to the Club Membership Lead

Membership and Racking

All membership applications are subject to prior approval by the Club.  No payment is due until your application is approved.

Current members in good standing may apply for permission to store a private boat at Bewl, by clicking on 'Access My BBRC Account' below.

Existing Members

New Members and Visitors

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Sign up for BBRC Events