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RYA Adult Level 1 - Start Sailing   iCal entry for this event

This course provides a short introduction to sailing for novices. 

Please ensure that you have purchased or already have the appropriate membership required. If you are unsure then please contact the Office. 

By the end of the course you will have the basic understanding of dinghy-handling techniques and background knowledge. It is recommended that all participants consolidate this short introduction with the Basic Skills course. 


Note that dinghy sailing is a very active sport.



Select dates - show past events
Description Date Start time End time Availability Places
Price Book
2 Day Course - 4 & 5 May 04-05-2024 09:30 16:45 closed 1 £225
2 Day Course - 29 & 30 Jun 29-06-2024 09:30 16:45 closed 2 £225
2 Day Course - 10 & 11 May 10-05-2025 09:30 16:45 from 01-03-2025 5 £225
2 Day Course - 21 & 22 June 21-06-2025 09:30 16:45 from 01-03-2025 6 £225
2 Day Course - 30 & 31 Aug 30-08-2025 09:30 16:45 from 01-03-2025 6 £225