Home > Teams > Area 14 Introductory Dressage, Junior Novice and DTM Qualifier
Area 14 Introductory Dressage, Junior Novice and DTM Qualifier
Area 14 Team and individual Junior and Senior Qualifier for Introductory Dressage and Dressage to Music (DTM) PLUS Junior Novice Dressage Qualifier
Location: Topthorn Arena
Saturday 1st February and Sunday 2nd February 2025
There are classes at Intro and Prelim for this qualifier for both juniors and seniors. There is also a junior novice class. There are also DTM classes from Prelim to Adv. Medium. Plus there are a couple of pairs classes too. You can compete as part of a team of 4 or as an individual. Please enter the tests you wish to compete at, and depending on numbers we will see if we can raise any junior or senior teams.
See ATTACHED SCHEDULES (please note we will do our team entries together on the BRC website - so please do not enter direct)
You should ensure you are available for the National Championships (Championships 25th-27th April 2025 at Arena UK, Allington Lane, Allington, Grantham, NG32 2EF)
Please note the qualifier classes are for current members of BRC only.
It is the competitors’ responsibility to ensure they and their horses are eligible and observe all the relevant rules, available online, and check recent eligibility in the BRC Handbook on the BRC website. Tack and dress rules are also available in the BRC Handbook. Failure to observe these may result in disqualification, so please ensure you have familiarised yourself with the Rules before the competition.
Any questions please email gippingteams@gmail.com
PS - don't forget to email us photos of your horse passport and latest vaccs, if you haven't competed in an Area qualifier in the last 6 months to gippingteams@gmail.com