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2025 Quadrathlon   iCal entry for this event

Quadrathlon  2025


British Quadrathlon and Team Manvers have joined forces to bring another year of Quadrathlon to the Dearne Valley and Manvers Lake. What's more, this qualifies for the World Quadrathlon Cup Series 2025! The aim is to deliver a Quadrathlon where people from all walks of life can participate. All that we ask is that you enjoy your training towards it and feel a great sense of achievement afterwards.


Team Manvers are offering training sessions throughout 2025, these will be held at the lake so please get in touch for details. If you are worried about any part of the event then please contact us and we will sort an alternative activity for that section.


Youths     (16-17) 

Juniors     (18-19)               

U23-       (20-23)

Elite/Senior (23-39)

Masters    (40+ )


Masters are separated in to the following age groups.

Vet 40: 40-49

Vet 50: 50-59

Vet 60: 60-69

Vet 70: Years and older.

The age band category that you fall into depends n your age on December 31st in the year of competition. Hence:- If you are 40 on December 29th 2018 then for the whole of 2018 will compete in the Vet 40 age group


​Sprint Quadrathlon - Swim, Bike*, Paddle and Run

Sprint                                            800m Swim, 15k Bike, 4k Paddle, 5k Run - Start Time 9.30am

Quadkidz (ages 9 to 11):              100m Swim, 2k Bike 400m paddle, 2km - Run Start Time 8.30am

Quadkidz (ages 12 to 15)             200m Swim, 4km Bike,  800m paddle, 2km - Run Start Time 8.30am

Quadkidz (ages 16-18)                  800m Swim 15k Bike 4k paddle, 5k Run - Start Time 9.30am

* Bike - Cycle Route – please consider other path users as the paths are still open to the public. The course is generally off road therefore suitable for gravel, hybrids and mountain bikes.

Showers and changing rooms available. Also on site café. 


Informal camping available night before to book:


Manvers Waterfront Boat Club: Event Camping (webcollect.org.uk)

Commemorative medal to all finishers.

​Limited number of kayaks/bikes available to use/hire

Location: Manvers Lake


Step 1 - Select dates
Description Date Start time End time Book
Quadkids 9-15 years Dearne Valley Quadrathlon 22-06-2025 08:30 09:30
Adults 16+ Dearne Valley Quadrathlon 22-06-2025 09:30
Step 2 - Select type
Type Price    
Quad Over 18 £40
Quad (MWBC Members ticket) £30
Quad Junior ticket £10
Quad over 18 with boat hire £50
Quad Junior ticket with boat hire £20
Quad over 18 with SUP Hire £50
Quad over 18 with SUP or Kayak and cycle hire (6 only) £60
Quad (MWBC Members ticket) with boat hire £40
Quad Relay team £60
Quad Relay team with boat hire £70
Quad Relay team (Members only) £50
Quad Relay team (Members only) boat hire £60