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Event Camping   iCal entry for this event

Event Camping/Parking - informal camping and motor-home parking at Manvers.


For a limited number of events camping and the parking of camper-van / motor-homes is permitted around the lake and the car park, the evening before, however this must be booking prior to the event.


Facilities are limited but you will be given an access fob so you may use the boathouse shower and toilets, water is available from the outside tap.


Please book your space at least 48 hours before arriving for the event.


Please arrive before 5pm or let the duty manager (07704 111414) know if you are to be later. 


Also please leave the campsite on the day of departure by 11:30am unless taking part in an event.


PLEASE KEEP THE GATES CLOSED, as not to allow the general public into the camping area. Please ask the event supervisor for the current gate codes.


This is for EVENT camping only!  


Please note there is no swimming in the lake only at the adverised sessions


Location: Manvers Lake


Step 1 - Select dates - show past events
Description Date Start time End time Availability Places
Bookings Book
DBA Dragon Boat Race 07-09-2019 closed 13
Swim Run Event 14-09-2019 closed 27
SY Swim 23-05-2020 closed 50
Cancelled 12-06-2020 closed 50
Cancelled 13-06-2020 closed 50
Long Course Weekend 24-07-2020 closed 20
Dusk til Dawn 25-07-2020 closed 50
Swim Run Event 05-09-2020 closed 50
Pre Open Day Camping 25-06-2021 closed 18 show
Open Day Camping 26-06-2021 closed 30 show
Swim Run Event 11-07-2021 closed 13 show
Dusk to Dawn event 24-07-2021 closed show
Pre - Dragon Boat Event Camping 14-08-2021 closed 5 show
Newfoundland Event 22-01-2022 closed
Quad/Tri Event Camping 18-06-2022 closed 36 show
Newfoundland Training Event 01-07-2022 closed show
Newfoundland Training Event 02-07-2022 closed show
Newfoundland Training Event 03-07-2022 closed show
Swim Run Camping (available after 6pm Saturday) 09-07-2022 closed 20 show
Dusk to Dawn event Friday 22-07-2022 closed
Dusk to Dawn event Saturday 23-07-2022 closed 41 show
Dragon Boat Event Camping 12-08-2022 closed 8 show
Dragon Boat Event Camping 13-08-2022 closed 9 show
Newfoundland Event 22-10-2022 16:00 20:00 closed full show
Newfoundland Dogs Event 08-01-2023 closed 25
Newfoundland Dogs Event 31-03-2023 closed 25
Newfoundland Dogs Event 31-03-2023 closed 21 show
Newfoundland Dogs Event 01-04-2023 closed 21 show
Newfoundland Dogs Event 02-04-2023 closed 22 show
Bone Cancer Charity Swim 27-05-2023 closed 16 show
RLSS - Event (Camp Sat eve) 03-06-2023 closed 11 show
Paddlesport BBQ 10-06-2023 closed full show
Tri/Quad Camping (Motorhomes only) 24-06-2023 closed full show
Fundraising Sleepover 30-06-2023 closed show
Dragon Boat Racing Camp 01-07-2023 closed 8 show
Dragon Boat Racing Camping Carry over from Saturday from 02-07-2023 closed
Dusk to Dawn event 21-07-2023 18:00 closed 20 show
Dusk to Dawn event (leave by 11.30am) 22-07-2023 closed 21 show
Newfoundland Dogs Event 28-07-2023 closed 13 show
Newfoundland Dogs Event 29-07-2023 closed 13 show
Newfoundland Dogs Event 30-07-2023 closed 17 show
Dusk Til Dawn H2O event 30-09-2023 closed 15 show
Newfoundland Dogs Event 15-03-2024 closed show
Newfoundland Dogs Event 16-03-2024 closed show
Newfoundland Dogs Event 17-03-2024 closed show
Newfoundland Dogs Event 24-05-2024 closed 8 show
Newfoundland Dogs Event 25-05-2024 closed 12 show
Newfoundland Dogs Event 26-05-2024 closed 13 show
Newfoundland Dogs Event 27-05-2024 closed 15 show
Dusk Til Dawn H2O event 08-06-2024 closed show
Tri/Quad Event Camping 21-06-2024 13:00 21:00 closed 25
Tri/Quad Event Camping 22-06-2024 13:00 20:00 closed 19 show
Dusk to Dawn event 19-07-2024 closed
Dusk to Dawn event (leave by 11.30am) 20-07-2024 closed show
Newfoundland Dogs Event 28-02-2025 closed show
Newfoundland Dogs Event 01-03-2025 closed show
Newfoundland Dogs Event 02-03-2025 closed show
Newfoundland Dogs Event 23-05-2025
Newfoundland Dogs Event 24-05-2025
Newfoundland Dogs Event 25-05-2025
Newfoundland Dogs Event 26-05-2025
Quad/Tri Event Camping 21-06-2025 show
Dusk to Dawn event Friday 18-07-2025 show
Dusk to Dawn event (leave by 11.30am) 19-07-2025
Dragons - Team Building Event 16-08-2025 15 show
Step 2 - Select type
Type Price    
Camping 2 person tent £12
Official Volunteer Camping £0
Member Camping £6
Test Judges/Officials £0
Camping 2 - 4 person tent £20
Camping 4+person tent £30
Camper Van, Caravan, Motorhome £15