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Welcome to North Berwick Kayak Club

We exist to promote paddling for all ages in North Berwick and the surrounding area. Disciplines are sea kayaking, white water and canoeing.  

We are fortunate to have a decent fleet of boats to introduce you to this brilliant sport, and members can hire our sea kayaks following an assessment to keep you safe.   We're a friendly bunch of coaches and members and try to pull together to offer as many opportunities to paddle as we can. 


Paddling is an excellent way to keep fit, adventure, and connect with the outdoors.  Where possible, we structure things to provide you with an appropriate level of challenge.  For some of us, it's about just getting out on the water in good weather, while for others, you might be looking to develop your skills.  We're affiliated with the Scottish Canoe Association and our coaches have the appropriate qualifications in place for the events they offer.   

We have an unmatched location at North Berwick, with our sea boats based at the harbour, to allow taster experiences in West Bay, or the East Bay pool, while the skerries just off the beach make an excellent course to learn to paddle round.  

On trips, we tend to go to beginner-friendly rivers such as the Tyne in Haddington, or parts of the Tweed, while for more experienced paddlers, we'll venture further afield to the River Tay.  

This site is our booking system - this is where we'll advertise events and where you can sign up for membership.  We have a couple of Facebook resources in addition - one is a closed group, open only to members, and the second is a public page, while we use WhatsApp for organising peer paddles.  Peer paddles are where club members organise their own trips, without the club providing a leader - they're excellent if you already have some skills, but tend not to be suitable for beginners.  Peer paddles aren't featured on this website. If you want to ask about peer paddles in sea kayaks, get in touch with Stephen Fraser or Katerina Stein. 


Booking for all events/activities is ESSENTIAL even if the event is free. Please make use of the reserve list if the event is full. If there are enough people on the reserve list, we will try to run another similar event/session. And if someone drops out at the last minute, we can fill the place quickly. Cancellations are refundable within 7 days of the event going live on WebCollect. Cancellations made by the event organiser for any reason will receive a 100% refund.


  •  Independent paddlers can only join some of our trips. Where this is the case, the event will be clearly listed as an "independent paddler" trip. You must be a club member to join the trip and you must book a ticket, even if you are not using club kit, so that we know numbers in advance. If you turn up on the day without having booked you will not be permitted to join the group. 


Boat Hire:

NBKC has a fleet of sea kayaks available for hire by senior (18+) members, whose competence has been assessed by our sea kayak leaders.  THESE ARE NOT AVAILABLE to non-members or for commercial hire.  We are currently exploring the feasibility of hiring out other boats, such as our canoes and white water kayaks.  

Members can follow the link to view the sea kayak hire policy with details of bookings:



You should be aware that paddling involves some risk.  While the club will take every reasonably practicable step to manage risk and will operate within guidelines laid down by the Scottish Canoe Association (SCA), it is not possible to eliminate risk completely from paddling activities. Supervisors of both genders may not always be present on club trips. 


We have strong child and adult protection policies in place as a progressive club, abiding fully by Paddlesport Scotland's guidance.  We are accredited by Paddlesport Scotland, the national governing body for paddlesports in Scotland, formerly known as the Scottish Canoe Association.  


If you are a member and have any concerns around child (defined as young people under the age of 16), please contact us on cwponorthberwickkc@gmail.com.  We will treat any contact as confidential.  


We offer two types of annual membership: family (up to two adults and three children from the same family) and individual. Our events such as pool sessions, trips, outdoor summer sessions and social events are usually an additional small cost.

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