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Welcome to Red Rope


Red Rope is a national club for walkers and climbers with socialist and green ethics. You can learn much more about us on our main web site. This is our Home Page on WebCollect – the system we use to manage our annual membership subs. Membership and trip charges are all scaled according to your income – check the table below to see what your membership band will be – then click on Renew or ‘Take out Membership’.


To calculate your subscription fee, work out your monthly (or weekly) ‘remaining income’, and then look up your band in the table below. This tells you how much to pay and what ‘band’ to put on the Membership Form.

Working out your ‘Remaining income’:

  1. Work out your total income from all sources, including interest on savings, all benefits including child benefit and tax credit, and rent from lodgers or sub-tenants
  2. Include housing benefit (if you have it) up to £75 per week (£325 a month).
  3. Deduct tax and National Insurance contributions only (not occupational pension contributions, SAYE, mortgage repayments etc.)
  4. If you have dependents, e.g. children, one parent/carer per family may deduct a further £20 per week (£87 per month) from their income.
  5. If your income varies from month to month, total the remaining income for the past three months and divide by thirteen (for weekly figure) or three (for monthly income)
  6. Use this remaining income to find you band and annual subscription from this table:
BandWeekly remaining incomeMonthly remaining incomeAnnual Subscription
 5£616 and above£2666 and above£55
 4up to £615up to £2665£44
 3up to £400up to £1733£31
 2up to £275up to £1192£21
 1up to £180up to £780£13.50

 New members joining between July and December pay reduced subscriptions.

Red Rope is founded on socialist principles and a concept of sharing. The bands are a guide to a minimum subscription. Band 3 is our 'break-even' band, so if people feel they are in a comfortable situation, then band 3 or above helps the club subsidise members with fewer resources, and we encourage people to consider this when choosing their band. You may adopt a higher band if you feel that is where you should be.

Existing Members

New Members

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