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CEVNI Test - in the classroom
The CEVNI endorsement can be 'bolted on' to your International Certificate of Competence, and will permit you to go boating on the inland waterways of Europe. Completing a classroom test can be a good way to gain this endorsement.
It is not a requirement with your Powerboat Level 2 certificate. However, if you are considering applying for the International Certificate of Competence, we would strongly recommend doing research into whether you intend on going into areas where the CEVNI test is required.
The test is split into two sections: 'Signs and buoyage' and 'Sound signals, lights and shapes'. You need a score of 22 out of 30 in order to pass.
As part of the classroom package, we will give you a free re-take at a mutually convenient time.
Passing the test
You will need to revise to pass this test - we recommend the RYA's Inland Waterways Handbook, which is available online.
We do not offer tuition with the classroom test or online course. Please get in touch if you would like to discuss the possibility of tuition.
On successful completion of your test, we will issue you with a confirmation certificate to send off with your ICC application.
Booking options
We primarily offer this test alongside your Powerboat Level 2 certificate. If you are booked on a course with us, you are eligible to pay only £15 to take the test.
If you are not booked on a Powerboat Level 2 course, the fee is £25. Please contact us to arrange a mutually convenient time to take the test.
It is also worth noting that we offer the test online for £24.99. There is no discount for booking an online course alongside a Powerboat Level 2.
CEVNI (Inland Waterways) Online Test
Once you have selected your option(s) you will be prompted to fill out a form confirming the date of your Powerboat Level 2 (if applicable).