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Welcome to Lyme Regis Sea School

Welcome to The Lyme Regis Sea School booking site. All of our courses, sessions and events are booked here.


You can find available events on the 'events' or 'calendar' options. You can also use the course categories buttons below. There may be more than one date available under each course!


Some of our events have discounts, such as for LRSC members and RNLI crew/volunteers. These are selectable on the event itself. For other discounts, such as our three-person Powerboat Level 2 discount, please contact us.


Youth courses are aimed at those age 10-16. Adult courses are for those aged 16 and up. 16 year olds are welcome to choose which group they'd prefer to learn with, where applicable.


We operate a waiting list system for some courses. Please join the waiting list if your course is full, and do not just book a space in the wrong group!


Finally, we only take payment via Bank Transfer. When paying, the reference given to you by WebCollect must EXACTLY match the payment reference you set on the transfer.


If you need further assistance with booking, click here to contact us.
