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Welcome to Royal Temple Yacht Club Limited

Royal Temple Yacht Club offers the opportunity for yacht & motor boat cruising, fleet racing in both IRC & a local cruiser class handicap system. Our navigation school offers RYA courses throughout the year. Our social programme includes events for everyone. The club house overlooks the Royal Harbour with probably the best views in Ramsgate. The club facilities include 2 bars, function rooms, a snooker room, pool room and a nightclub/dance area. We are open to Weddings, Parties, Music and Quiz nights. All of our facilities are open to hire.

The Hotel has 7 bedrooms open throughout the year and can be booked directly using this link

All enquires should be sent via email to


Guide to becoming a Member of the Royal Temple Yacht Club

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Member of the Royal Temple Yacht Club.

Membership gives you access to all our facilities both on and off of the water. We believe we provide something for everyone and our members make lifelong friends whilst enjoying some of the best views over the English Channel from our beautiful clubhouse.

We have racing, cruising (both Sail and Power), radio sailing along with a highly energized social section all with their own programmes throughout the year.

The process to become a member traditionally commences when existing Members of the Club propose and second your application. Each of these Members should have known you personally for at least twelve months, and should have been full Members of the Club for one or more years. When you submit your application you should request your proposer and seconder to send their letter of support at the same time addressed to the Honorary Secretary.

Please download our online membership application form to apply for a fast track service to becoming a member of the Royal Temple Yacht Club.

Many prospective members are new to the area and may not have had the opportunity to meet any of our existing Members. If you are in this situation you should select our ‘Interim’ Membership category. You will still be required to complete the application form but will not need a proposer or seconder.

Interim Membership is valid for up to one year. During this period of Membership we encourage you to get to know other members who will then support your Full Membership application in time for the second year.

Once you have submitted your application for full Membership and your letters of support have been received, you may be invited in to meet two Flag Officers for an informal meeting. This meeting allows you to ask questions and for us to ensure that we have informed you of all our facilities. Your application will be confirmed at the next General Committee meeting.

Existing Members

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