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Medical Society template

The Sample Medical Society has been tailored specifically for professional medical societies.

Using this template to create your trial organisation will provide you with a pre-made set of subscriptions and example events, together with tailored content.


The Sample Society comes with 3 types of subscription:

  • Full membership:  Annual membership ending on 31st December
  • Associate membership:  Reduced price subscription for trainees/students
  • Honorary subscription:  A free subscription that can only be allocated by the Society

You can change or remove these, and add new ones to suit.


The Sample Society has 3 event categories and 3 sample events set up:

  • Annual Dinner, with 2 alternative price options and unrestricted capacity
  • Evening Lecture, open to non-members as well as members, with different prices for each
  • Professional Course, including a booking form to collect information on special requirements

These sample events have been designed to illustrate what is possible, and can easily be adapted.


Membership Form

The Sample Membership Form is an interactive form, including:

  • Employment Details.  
  • Qualifications. Currently set up as a freeform field, but could be changed to a multi-checkbox with specified qualifications listed
  • Declaration.  That the member will abide by the Rules of the Society

Course Form

The Course Form includes:

  • Participant name.  It is possible for someone to book on another person's behalf
  • Special requirements.  Request for details of dietary, mobility or other special requirements

The forms, and individual form fields can easily be changed.

Payment Methods

The sample organisations have all payment methods set up (with the checkout disabled so we don't actually take your money).  When you create a trial organisation, based on one of the templates, the trial will have cheques enabled to get you started.


The sample organisation has content/wording that is relevant for a professional medical society, ready for you to tailor to your particular organisation.