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Car Club template

The Sample Car Club has been tailored specifically for car clubs.

Using this template to create your trial organisation will provide you with a pre-made set of subscriptions and example events, together with tailored content.


The Sample Club comes with 5 example subscriptions:

  • Adult membership: an individual annual subscription
  • Senior membership: an individual annual subscription
  • Associate membership: membership for a partner of an adult or senior member
  • Junior membership:  A junior subscription, which requires parents to provide their contact details
  • Life membership:  Set up to be allocated by administrators only.  

You can change or remove these, and add new ones to suit.


The Sample Club has 3 event categories and a sample events set up:

  • Annual awards and dinner

These sample events have been designed to illustrate what is possible, and can easily be adapted.


Membership Form

The Sample Club has a membership form, including: 

  • Occupation
  • Interests
  • Declaration

Event Form

The Sample Event Form includes:

  • Participant's name/age
  • Medical conditions
  • Emergency contact details
  • Declaration

Payment Methods

The sample organisations have all payment methods set up (with the checkout disabled so we don't actually take your money).  When you create a trial organisation, based on one of the templates, the trial will have cheques enabled to get you started.


The sample organisation has content/wording that is generally relevant for a car club, ready for you to tailor to your particular organisation.