Your Data
Many organisations use a combination of excel spreadsheets and free email accounts to manage their members data. WebCollect enables you to bring all your data into one location, easily accessible from anywhere. Access can be shared amongst committee members, or you can give access to just the bits they need to see.
Managing Your Members
One of the best things about WebCollect, is that you can share the work around. Committee members and other volunteers can be given full access to the administration panel, or just enough to do their bit. Event co-ordinator's can be given limited access to manage their event. Members can be given access send emails to a group of members.
Data at Your Finger Tips
Want to know who hasn't paid up, who is coming to the Christmas party, how many members the organisation currently has. Want to know whether you are at home, in the office or down the Club House? WebCollect enables all of the Committee to have instant access to all the information they want to know any time, any place.
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Inevitably, different people on the Committee will want to know about different things...
The Membership Secretary wants to know how many new members have joined...
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The Treasurer wants to know who has paid up...
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The Social Secretary wants to know who is coming to the next Get Together...
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WebCollect's reporting covers all of this and more
Use WebCollect's sophisticated filtering system to pull out just the information you need. Build yourself custom reports for export to your accounting package.
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Bank Reconciliation
WebCollect's bank transfer payment method enables members to pay you by bank transfer (using online banking, standing orders etc). When the member places an order, we give them a unique reference number to provide with their payment. You can then upload your bank statement and the system will do the matching up of payments for you.
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Using bank transfers to collect payments from members is a great way to keep your costs down. You only pay a few pence per payment (compared to 2% or more for PayPal and card payments). It's convenient for the members - if they are using online banking, they only need to save your bank details once, and then it's a 2 minute job to pay you each time at no cost to them. The service is all included in your annual fee, so no cost from us either!
This is really useful for organisations that collect similar amounts from members. Without the reference, you end up with a bank statement with a whole load of payments for the same amount and no idea who they have come from or what they are for.
Upload / Import
Importing your membership data makes life so much easier for your members. Once you have imported the data, send them an invitation email with their login details and away you go. Import their current subscriptions and all they have to do is click a link in the email, login, pay and it's done.
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Import features:
- Add new members individually
- Import members in bulk
- Import members in groups
- Contact us and we will import your current subscriptions and form data (no charge)
Download / Export
If you can't quite tear yourself away from those Excel spreadsheets, you can download yourself a copy of your data at any time, all neatly organised for you. Members, subscriptions, event bookings, orders - you can have it all!
Use WebCollect's sophisticated filtering system to select just the information you need. "Give me the membership form data for all members who purchased an individual subscription last year, and who ticked the box to say they would be prepared to volunteer to help on Sundays, but are not vegetarians...."
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For the techies among you, the WebCollect API enables you to access your data any time anywhere. Useful for regular back-ups, or to pass data to your website about who has a current paid up subscription.