
Manage your members data online all in one system, from joining to renewals. Members can join and renew subscriptions online. Share access with committee members, so you can keep track of subscriptions and payments.


Many different subscription types - click to enlarge

Subscription features:

Import & forms

Importing your membership data makes life so much easier for your members. Once you have imported the data, send them an invitation email with their login details and away you go. Import their current subscriptions and all they have to do is click a link in the email, login, pay and it's done.

Import all your data - click to enlarge

Import features:

Membership Forms

Use WebCollect's online form feature to collect information from your members. Use WebCollect's online approval process to review new members' applications.

Flexible forms - click to enlarge

WebCollect's online forms are quick to set up, and even quicker for members to complete. Plus all the data entry is done by the member – no more reading bad handwriting on paper membership forms! Key features:

  • Wide variety of question types: dropdowns, tick boxes, multi-checkboxes, radio buttons
  • Collect medical and parental consents online
  • Create sub-sections of your form, so members only see/answer questions that are relevant to them

WebCollect's online approval process, enables you to collect membership form information and review new members' applicatons before they purchase their subscription. Members who are approved, can then be invited to complete the application process by purchasing their subscription online.


Set your organisation up to collect payments by direct debit, set your subscriptions to auto-renew, then put your feet up.... Direct debit takes only a few minutes to set up, does not require you to squirm in front of your bank manager, and is super easy for your members to use.

For those who prefer a more traditional method of chasing members for their subscriptions, even this is made easy. Use WebCollect's extensive filtering system to select the subscriptions/members you want to send subscription renewal reminders to.

Filter and search your subscriptions for renewals - click to enlarge

Then select renewal email from the list and you are done. Renewal reminder emails contain all the information they need about their current subscriptions and how to login/renew, giving them no excuses!

Filter and search your members - click to enlarge

For web-allergic members who don't want to use the system, download their renewal reminder as a letter to send by snail mail. When the cheque in the post arrives, you can record their renewal purchase for them, so that WebCollect contains a full record of all your transactions and subscriptions.