Being a member of multiple organisations on WebCollect

A single login to manage all your accounts

Your WebCollect account can be linked to multiple organisations.  Your login details, email address and password, will be the same for all of your organisations, making life easier for you with only one set of login details to remember.

To see an overview of all of your accounts, go to the WebCollect home page and login.  This takes you to your central home page, where you can see:

  • A list of organisations that you are linked to.  If you are an administrator for that organisation, you will also see a link to that organisation's administration panel
  • A summary of upcoming events for all your organisations
  • Your profile section, where you can update your personal details
  • A list of your recent orders for all organisations

Your data

Your name, address and phone numbers are stored against your personal record, meaning that if you change your details (e.g. move house), you only need to update that information once.

If you have saved credit card details, these are also stored against your personal record.  However direct debit authorisations are specific to the organisation that they were created for, so you will not see those listed on your central home page.

Details of any orders, subscriptions, tickets that you have purchased, or forms that you have completed for one organsation, will not be viewable by administrators of any other organsiation.

Frequently Asked Questions

An organisation that I am a member of, has just signed up to use WebCollect.  Will that affect my WebCollect account?

No.  Provided that you have the same email address for both organsisations, you will still be able to log in with the same password that you had previously set up.

I am on my home page for one of my organisations.  How do I get to the other one?

At the top of your screen, you will see a dropdown list for "My other Organisations".  Click on the dropdown and select the one that you want to go to.