Category: Events > Forms

Popular quick answers

Why is the form I want to use greyed out and I can't select it?

Greyed out Forms If the form that you wanted to select is showing as greyed out in the...

Can I change a member's event form data after they have purchased an event ticket?

Yes, you can. You need to go to the member's page in the admin panel, and you can edit...

Why are non-members being asked to fill out a membership form when they buy an event ticket?

There is an option when setting up an event to make it an Open Event. If you tick that...

Can I require members to consent or agree to a form question?

If you want to require your members to agree to something (e.g. your organisation's...

Can I copy a form?

If you want to create a new form, which has similar fields to one you have already...

Can I delete a form?

If the form has never been completed by a member, you can delete it. From the...
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