Category: Setting up > Customising

Popular quick answers

Can I customise the checkout page?

Yes, you can add some customised text to the checkout page. This is useful if, for...

What is my Organisation's home page on WebCollect?

Your home page on WebCollect If you have just created your organisation on WebCollect,...

Why are there spanners showing on my WebCollect pages?

The spanners are there to show you what content could be showing at that spot on the...

Can I remove the Membership buttons on the home page?

Unless you are a CSS expert, removing the Membership buttons is not a configurable...

What is the Full page basket?

By default, WebCollect has a roll-down basket. You can change the configuration to use...

Can I remove any of the WebCollect standard fields?

An example of a WebCollect standard field that you might want to remove, would be the...
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