Category: Events > Creating and Editing

Popular quick answers

Can Event Organisers create an event?

Currently, members with the WebCollect role Event Organiser can manage an event,...

Can I restrict the payment methods for a particular event or subscription?

No, you can't restrict the payment methods for a particular event or subscription. If...

Can I limit the payment options for a particular event?

No, you can't limit the payment options available to members purchasing tickets for a...

How do I create a free event?

Create the event in the usual way. Configure the price for the event as 0. Currently...

Why are non-members being asked to create an account when buying a ticket for an open event?

Making an event open removes the requirement for any person buying a ticket to complete...

Can I remove an event?

If you want to remove an event, click on edit the event. The link to remove it is at...
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