Category: Events

Popular quick answers

Can Event Organisers create an event?

Currently, members with the WebCollect role Event Organiser can manage an event,...

Can I restrict the payment methods for a particular event or subscription?

No, you can't restrict the payment methods for a particular event or subscription. If...

Can I limit the payment options for a particular event?

No, you can't limit the payment options available to members purchasing tickets for a...

What's the barcode on event tickets for?

When members place an order for an event ticket, and the order is updated to order...

Can members book after the event has happened?

With the standard set-up, members can only book onto an event up until the day of the...

Why is the form I want to use greyed out and I can't select it?

Greyed out Forms If the form that you wanted to select is showing as greyed out in the...
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