Can I require members to consent or agree to a form question?

If you want to require your members to agree to something (e.g. your organisation's rules, parental consent, permission for photographs), then use a Checkbox question, and make it a required field.

A checkbox question, if unticked, will:

  • show the membership form to the member if they go to checkout for any reason; and
  • not let them past the form unless it is ticked

In the case of a group administrator, it will require them to tick the box for all members in their group, if they are filling out membership forms for their group. 

Importing Data

If you are importing data for a checkbox field, leaving the field blank, will result in a membership form for that member with the checkbox unticked. Putting No in the cell for that member will also result in an unticked checkbox.  Putting Yes in the cell, will result in a ticked box.

Difference between Checkbox and Radio button questions

A radio button, which is a required field, will require the member to provide an answer.  However, in the case of a radio button question, the member will have the option to answer No, and be allowed to submit the form.  So if you want the member to be able to answer yes or no, use a radio button.  If you want to require them to say Yes, use a checkbox.