Can I use the group admin concept to record who is the primary member?

Some organisations have a concept of one member of the family being the "primary member", with other family members being a spouse/partner or children.  If you have that type of set-up, and want to keep a record of which member type each person in the group is, then the best way to do this is via a field in the membership form.

Using the group admin concept to record who is the primary member, is not a good approach for 2 reasons:

  • A member who is a group admin, can give group admin rights to other members in their group.  If they do that, you will no longer know who the primary member is
  • We recommend that with family groups, that you make both parents group admins, as it will allow either parent to manage the family group.  It will save you having to deal with queries because they can't do something themselves.