Can members pay for annual membership in instalments?

We don't have a feature currently that allows members to "buy" an annual membership subscription, and then pay for it in instalments.  However, what you can do instead, is to create a subscription product for a shorter period (e.g monthly or for a fixed period of days), and set the price for the subscription to match the amount of the instalments.  When the member purchases the subscription, the expiry date will be the date that they have paid up to. 

If you include a premium for allowing members to pay by instalments, you can incorporate that into the price of the shorter subscriptions.  For example:

  • Annual subscription paid in one instalment up front:  £100 p.a.
  • Monthly subscription:  £10 per month (i.e. £120 p.a.)

In practice, there isn't much of a difference between the two.  If a member failed to pay an instalment, you would presumably want the subscription to stop at that point.  Configuring it as a subscription for a shorter period reflects that.