Credit/Debit Card (SagePay) Set-Up Process


Step 1:  Apply for Your Internet Merchant Account

Step 2:  Send us the Internet Merchant Account Details

Step 3:  Set-Up

Step 4:  3DSecure

Billing Arrangement



WebCollect provides an online credit/debit card processing facilty, which can be used to collect payments from members online.  The facility is provided in partnership with SagePay, a subsidiary of Sage.  SagePay is a "Payment Service Provider", providing the connection between the WebCollect system and the Banks.  Payments by members are made directly into your bank account.

Is this the right facility for My Organisation?

We recommend the facility for organisations that are large (e.g. have a turnover of more than £50,000) and/or already have a merchant account (ie are already accepting card payments via a till or card processing machine).  This is because the costs can be quite high (Banks usually charge a monthly fee as well as a % on transactions processed), and the process to get an internet merchant account can be quite time consuming (often involving producing cash-flow forecasts etc).

WebCollect charges a set-up fee for providing the facility.  This is because we have to arrange the set-up for you, including placing test transactions and ensuring the set-up is correct.  In addition, we charge a transaction fee (which covers ours, and SagePay's costs of providing the service.  Click here for current pricing information.

Step 1:  Apply for Your Internet Merchant Account

Apply to your Bank for an internet merchant account.  If you would like to be able to accept card payments over the telephone, and use WebCollect to process the payment, then you need to separately ask for a MOTO (or telephone order) merchant account.

This process can take several weeks!

Step 2:  Send us the Internet Merchant Account Details

Send us an email with the following details:

  • The Name of your organisation on WebCollect
  • Bank account holder's name:  This is the name you have on the bank account you have the internet merchant account for
  • Internet merchant number
  • Bank account number
  • Sort code
  • Name of bank who issued the merchant number
  • Whether you want MOTO (telephone order) processing

If you would prefer not to send the information by email, please contact us to make alternative arrangements.

Step 3:  Set-Up

We will pass those details onto SagePay to set up the account.  This normally takes up to a week - it depends on how long your Bank takes to confirm the internet merchant account details to SagePay.  Once the account is set up, we test that the account has been set up correctly - so don't be surprised if you see us place an order and then refund it.

Once we have confirmed it is all working correctly, we will confirm to you that the account is live.


Step 4:  3DSecure

3DSecure is an additional security feature created by the Card Payments Industry to reduce online card fraud.   You may also know it by the names MasterCard SecureCode or Verified by Visa.  It requires the member, when making a payment, to provide digits from an additional password, which is stored by their bank.

3DSecure is provided as a standard feature on WebCollect.  However it takes SagePay/the Banks longer to set up (around a further 2 weeks).  It is possible to start accepting payments before the 3DSecure set-up has been completed, although you may not be protected if a fraudulent payment is made.

When we confirm the account is live, we will let you know if the 3DSecure set-up has been completed.  If it's not, and you don't want to start accepting payments, you can de-activate the payment method.

Billing Arrangement

WebCollect will invoice the organisation for the transaction charges.  This includes SagePay's costs for providing the service (so you only have to deal with one company, not 2).  You do not need to sign a contract with SagePay for their services.  However, by providing your internet merchant account and using the service, you are agreeing to SagePay's terms of service.