Email template

We can implement a custom template for you for the emails that you send out from WebCollect. Currently this only applies to the emails you manually send, not the automated emails, but will eventually be rolled out to those as well.

Html template

You need to get someone to write the html for the template. Please copy the format of these examples:

Example Template 1 - click to enlarge Example Template 2 - click to enlarge


The person who writes the html needs to understand the restrictions and limitations of email.   Please see this article for tips on how to write code for html emails.

Note if you use a programme, like Microsoft Word, to write html, these often insert extraneous code that needs to be stripped out.  The html should ideally be written by hand, not using a programme.   If you don't have anyone who is experienced in writing html for email, then we can do the cleaning/testing for you.  See pricing page for details.

Image hosting

Whilst we can host the images, it would be better if you do, because you will then be able to change them at any time.


Once you are ready, please send us the html, and links to the images, for implementation.  

Premium Feature

Email templates are a premium feature.  Please see pricing page for details