End of your free trial

Extending your free trial

Towards the end of your free trial period, you will receive an email from us letting you know that your free trial is coming to an end.  If you aren't quite ready to go live with the system, or need more time to get committee approval, just drop us an email letting us know and we will be happy to extend the trial for as long as you need.

End of the Free Trial

Your free trial will end after 3 months (or any agreed extension) or when you start using the system to accept orders from your members which are not for test purposes, whichever is the earlier.

Paying for the Service

If you are ready to go live, and start paying for the service, then please drop us an email letting us know approximately how many members you are likely to have this year (<100, 100 - 500, 500 - 1,000). If you are not sure, please go for the lower amount, and then you can upgrade if you then go over the member limit during the year.

If you will be using any of the premium features, please let us know which ones.

If you would like to buy some SMS credits, please let us know how many.  Details are here.

We will send you an invoice for the annual fee, which is payable up front for the year.  Please see the Terms & Conditions for further details.

Our preferred payment method is bank transfer.  Details for how to make payment are included in the invoice.