How can I force members to review/update their membership form when they renew?

The system does not send people past their membership form if it has previously been completed.  We have had various discussions with organisations on this issue, and the majority found it an inconvenience to force all members past the form as a matter of course. 

If you want to have all your members re-presented with the form at the time of subscription renewal, you can:

  • Add a new form field to the membership form each year just before renewal time which is a required field.  We suggest a checkbox field with something like:  "I confirm that my membership form details are correct" 
  • The following year, for last year's confirmation untick the viewable and editable options.  Create a new form field: 2015 confirmation.  Each time make it a required field.

It is the presence of a required field form question that has not been completed by the member, which triggers the display of the form to them. 

Note:  If you have set your subscription product(s) to auto-renew, the auto-renew process bypasses the form filling.  So if you want to force members to review/update their membership form, you will need to switch off the auto-renew process.