How many members do I have?

There are actually 2 potential questions here:  How many paid up members do I have?  and How many people are linked to my organisation?

How many paid up members?

From the admin panel, click on the subscriptions link in the membership summary section.  Click on Show filters in the Filter by subscription details section.   Check the list, and leave ticked only the ones that are subscriptions that provide membership (ie untick ancillary subscriptions such as lockers, etc).

Then in the Date section, click on Show current.  Finally, click on the Filter button.

This will give you a list of current paid up subscriptions.

If you have group (e.g. family) subscriptions, and want to find out how many members that equates to, click on the dropdown:  Choose actionShow members for these subscriptions.  This will take you to the members page.

In the top right hand corner, you will see a red box with Show me options.  Select the option members covered by these subscriptions.  Click on the Filter button.  This will give you the number of members.

How many people are linked to my organisation?

In Admin Home, the number of members linked to your organisation is listed in the membership summary section.

Members linked to organisation - click to enlarge

What's the difference between the 2 numbers?

People associated with your organisation, who are not paid up members are likely to be:

  • Lapsed members
  • People who have applied to join your organisation, but have not been approved yet.
  • Parents of junior members (who are not members themselves)
  • People who started joining, but dropped out for some reason during the checkout process
  • People who have bought tickets to an open event run by your organisation