Information that WebCollect collects from members

Information that Members provide when they join WebCollect

When a member joins WebCollect, they must provide the following information about themselves:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Password

A member must create an account on WebCollect first before signing up for an organisation

Information that Members provide when placing an order via the WebCollect site

If a person places an order with an organisation, then they are asked for additional information during the checkout process. 

  • Address
  • DOB (not compulsory)
  • Home phone
  • Work phone
  • Mobile phone
  • Details of group members (if they are purchasing a group or junior subscription, or you have configured your organisation as group required)

Note:  the person will be asked to provide that information when placing any order, not just when they join the organisation.  For example they may be non-members purchasing a ticket to an open event.

These fields are the WebCollect standard fields.  You can create forms to collect any additional information that is relevant to your organisation.