My Favourite Organisations
This is on the left hand column and shows the organisations that you are a member of. It shows when you joined and what your roles are as well as having two links, one is to your basket for the organisation and the other to view the organisation.
My Basket - This shows which events you have saved to buy later for each organisation.
View - This is a link to the home page of the organisation.
What is happening...
This is the central column and shows all the events that your organisations are running in the near future.
View details - this is a link to the page of the event which you clicked on. This gives you details of the event and the ability to book onto the event.
My Profile
This is at the top of the right hand column and shows your personal details entered into the system. You can change these details using the four links at the bottom of the box.
Edit Details - This allows you to change you title,
first name, last name, and email. Remember to save the changes to
implement them.
Change Password - This is where you change your
password, enter your existing password and a new one and then
enter your new password again to confirm it before clicking
submit to save the new password, remember the passwords are case
Addresses - This shows what your billing address or
addresses are, you can change them by clicking edit within the
address box, delete them by clicking delete within the address
box next to edit, or add new address under the address boxes.
your credit cards are associated with your addresses, the card
type, card holder and last four digits of the card number are
visible from this screen.
Payment Methods - This shows what credit cards you have entered on your account. The cards show the card type, last four digits of the card number, cardholder name, expiry date, issue number, start date, and the attached billing address. You can choose which card is your default, by clicking make default beside the card you wish to be your default card. To add a new card click add new payment method below the box. Enter the details and click continue.
My recent orders
This is on the right hand column under "My Profile". This shows
the order number, the date the order was created, the name of the
organisation, the cost of the order, and the status of the order.
Click View all to see more information about the order. Click on
the order number to see more information about a particular
order, this shows which events you booked, on which dates and how
much you paid for each part of the order.